Monday, December 3, 2012

White Christmas

Made this...

After this...

Wish I could find a better source.

And attempted this...

Just didn't create the same effect, 
especially once the marshmallows started sliding down the strands.

After this...

And a parting shot of our tree...

We'll space the lights out more evenly next year (this was the first year with twinkly white lights, it was hard to anticipate how many to buy), but the metallic silvers and golds were very elegant.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Jungle Safari Nativity

When I was a child, my grandparents made a tradition of gifting each of us a new Christmas ornament each year in addition to our other gifts.  Today, my parents carry on a similar tradition for each of the grandkids by gifting them a new nativity set piece each year, starting with the baby Jesus.  

Onyx now has baby Jesus, Mary, and Joseph as part of her collection.  This year we set the scene with a stable found at the D.I., and a jungle safari backdrop (received on her birthday from Aunt Whitney), complete with animals and vegetation.  Even the animals came to adore Him, right?  Why not exotic animals?

Once Onyx proudly showed off her exciting nativity grouping to Andy, he said, "What, are they in Africa?  I knew that baby Jesus was black!"  You see, ever since Onyx received baby Jesus lying in a manger her first Christmas, Andy has teased that he is a black baby Jesus because of his stained finish.  I suppose we unconsciously catered his surroundings to fit!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Put a what on it?

Dollar store trees + a mini VW bus on hand + a bed of white sugar = simple yet stylish apothecary jar filler for Christmastime.

Just like thisthis ...

It wasn't until after it was all put together that I spotted this Christmas Trees on Cars roundup.

Apparently, we couldn't get enough of this trend in 2012.

What can I say?  I guess sometimes I jump on the bandwagon, even if it is unintentionally.  Take Onyx's nursery for example.  Birds ended up being a huge trend, even though I had collected things like the bird mobile pattern, leafy lamp shade, and printed paper above the crib years before we even brought a baby home.  I naturally put a bird on it to help "spruce it up, make it pretty!"